Judul Buku : Insights from INOVASI: INOVASI and the Reform of Indonesia Education. Volume II
Penulis : Mark Heyward, Adam Rorris, Ingga Vistara; Editor: Vicky Zulfikar
Ukuran : 15 cm x 23 cm
Tebal : 352 halaman
Insights from INOVASI is a two-part series which analyses the Government of Indonesia’s education reforms, their significance for teaching and learning; and how the Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) program contributed to these reforms. The first volume in the series, Insights from INOVASI: Indonesia’s twenty-year reform journey explores the trajectory of reform, commencing with Reformasi, the decentralisation of education management, the first national education system law (Sisdiknas 2003), and culminating in the current transformational reform agenda known as Merdeka Belajar (emancipated learning). Through an historical perspective on Indonesian education reform, the first volume aims to identify what the Merdeka Belajar agenda distinctively contributes to the trajectory of education reform since decentralisation; and its implications for transforming teaching and learning.