Judul Buku : Insights from INOVASI: Indonesia’s Twenty-Year Education Reform Journey. Volume I
Penulis : Mark Heyward, Adam Rorris, Ingga Vistara; Editor: Vicky Zulfikar
Ukuran : 15 cm x 23 cm
Tebal : 280 halaman
Insights from INOVASI is an analysis of the Indonesian Government’s reforms to policies on teaching and learning. It consists of two volumes. The first examines the significance and trajectory of Indonesia’s reforms. The second examines the role and contribution of the Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) program.
Volume 1 explores the history of reform over twenty years, commencing with the reforms of the early 2000s. This begins with decentralisation and the 2003 National Education Law and culminates in the current emancipated learning (Merdeka Belajar) reform agenda, which includes a new curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka), assessment model (Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum, or AKM), and teacher development approach.